The role of the younger generation in digital transformation: growth and bright in the future

By 17 Nov 2022, 13:52:17 WIB Event Internasional
The role of the younger generation in digital transformation: growth and bright in the future

Keterangan Gambar : Arsip Infokupedia


Proudly Present

Digitalization in Indonesia has begun to grow rapidly. As digitalization progresses, will the security of our personal data be maintained? Therefore IER (Indonesian Economic Review) 7.0 invites friends to come to the seminar with theme "The role of the younger generation in digital transformation: growth and bright in the future"

Baca Lainnya :

This event will be held on:

Hari/Tgl : 1 December 2022

Pukul : 08.00 (wib) - end

Media : zoom and Gedung Wanita Patra Pertamina, Jakarta Selatan

Special speakers

  1. Eko Yudhi Purwanto ( Sr. Expert Reservoir Engineering Upstream Business Development PT. PERTAMINA Hulu Energi)
  2. Maj. Gen TNI Dominggus Pakel, S.Sos.,M.Msi (Deputy of Cyber and Crypto Security Operation, National Cyber Crypto Agency)
  3. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Ardhiana M.Eng (Director of Digital Economy Ministry of Communication and Informatics)
  4. Budi R Santoso (SVP Digital Product and Engineering RUN System PT Global Sukses Solusi Tbk.


- Knowledge

- E - Certificate

- Merchandise

we have a special Guest Star 

Free Registration

Contact Person

Ilham : 087772712511


#economicreview #eventseminar #internationalseminar #digitalera #eventunivpertamina #eventeconomic #digitalization5.0 #seminar2022



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Ada 10 Komentar untuk Berita Ini

  1. Normansyah, SE, M.Si 17 Nov 2022, 15:35:55 WIB

    Menuju Kemandirian Ekonomi

    parwijanto 17 Nov 2022, 15:45:45 WIB

    saya peserta kadaluwarsa karena baru mau 80 tahun

    Lala 18 Nov 2022, 06:13:12 WIB


    Naila Mulya Zuliana 18 Nov 2022, 11:09:54 WIB

    Menuju kemandirian ekonomi

    Ikbal 18 Nov 2022, 19:26:00 WIB

    Mencari ilmu

    Indri Wulandari 18 Nov 2022, 21:11:13 WIB


    Indri Wulandari 18 Nov 2022, 21:13:55 WIB

    Baguss ikut

    yayat 18 Nov 2022, 21:34:04 WIB


    Susiana 23 Nov 2022, 08:28:42 WIB

    Peserta yg ingin menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan

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